AFTE Submits Comments for the 2022 USTR National Trade Estimate Report
WASHINGTON (October 27) — Yesterday, the Alliance for Trade Enforcement submitted comments for the United States Trade Representative’s 2022 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers (NTE).
“As the Biden-Harris Administration works to build back the U.S. economy, our leaders should look to improve trade with foreign markets to grow job opportunities and expand access for all U.S. businesses. Unfortunately, significant barriers keep many American companies from selling their goods and services abroad,” said AFTE Executive Director Brian Pomper. “AFTE encourages USTR to incorporate our comments in its forthcoming NTE Report to reinforce the Administration’s efforts to rebuild the U.S. economy.”
The National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers is published every year and identifies barriers to U.S. exports, U.S. foreign direct investment, and U.S. electronic commerce. It is a valuable tool in enforcing U.S. trade laws and ensuring international trade operates by a fair, rules-based system.
This year, AFTE highlighted Brazil and Indonesia’s local content requirements, India and Korea’s weak protections for intellectual property, and Canada and Japan’s market access barriers for biopharmaceuticals, and Mexico’s restrictive energy industry regulations — among other trade barriers — as obstacles that stand in the way of free trade.
“Ending unfair trade practices abroad is consistent with the Build Back Better Agenda,” said Pomper. “A National Trade Estimate Report that tackles these barriers can provide a framework for robust economic growth.”
About the Alliance for Trade Enforcement: The Alliance for Trade Enforcement is a coalition of trade associations and business groups that advocates for foreign governments to end unfair trade practices that harm U.S. innovative industries and supports U.S. policymakers in their efforts to hold our trading partners accountable.