AFTE Statement on WTO Decision to Suspend TRIPS Waiver for Covid-19 Vaccines
WASHINGTON (June 17) – Today, the Alliance for Trade Enforcement released the following statement on the World Trade Organization’s decision to suspend provisions of the TRIPS Agreement for Covid-19 vaccines:
“The WTO’s decision to suspend the TRIPS Agreement is unnecessary and unwise. It is unnecessary because the biggest challenges keeping shots from getting into the arms of everyone around the world are vaccine hesitancy, infrastructure challenges, and supply chain bottlenecks — not intellectual property. And it is unwise because it sets a terrible precedent that could hinder our ability to prepare for and respond to the next pandemic. It is also inconsistent with past commitments from the Biden administration to safeguard American inventors, promote American manufacturing jobs, and improve U.S. enforcement of existing trade agreements.
“The Alliance for Trade Enforcement urges U.S. policymakers to focus on the real problems that are keeping us from conquering COVID-19 and avoid continuing to scapegoat intellectual property.”
About the Alliance for Trade Enforcement: The Alliance for Trade Enforcement is a coalition of trade associations and business groups that advocates for foreign governments to end unfair trade practices that harm U.S. innovative industries and supports U.S. policymakers in their efforts to hold our trading partners accountable.