Coalition Launches to Hold America’s Trading Partners Accountable
WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 13) — Today, several leading trade associations and business groups joined together to form the Alliance for Trade Enforcement. An expansion of the Alliance for Fair Trade with India, the new coalition will work to support U.S. policymakers in their efforts to enforce U.S. trade agreements and ensure that our trading partners end unfair trade practices.
“The United States benefits from fair and open trade. At a time when American businesses are facing unprecedented challenges, it’s critical to hold our trading partners accountable for the commitments they’ve made,” said Brian Pomper, executive director of AFTE. “By highlighting the unfair trade barriers that limit export opportunities for American businesses — and working to eliminate those barriers — AFTE will work to ensure that trading opportunities around the globe benefit American workers.”
AFTE’s member organizations include ACT | The App Association, the Association of Equipment Manufacturers, the Biotechnology Innovation Organization, the Motion Picture Association, the National Association of Manufacturers, the National Foreign Trade Council, the Pharmaceutical Researchers and Manufacturers of America, the Recording Industry Association of America, the Software & Information Industry Association, the Telecommunications Industry Association, and the United States Council for International Business.
The U.S. Trade Representative’s recent Special 301 Report, which “identifies trading partners that do not adequately or effectively protect and enforce intellectual property (IP) rights or otherwise deny market access to U.S. innovators and creators,” can serve as an initial blueprint for the group. This year, USTR identified 33 countries for these types of violations. Many of these countries are repeat offenders.
The 2020 National Trade Estimate Report provides information on the varied trade barriers faced by America’s leading innovators, including with respect to industries in the manufacturing and digital arenas. AFTE encourages USTR to engage with U.S. trading partners to ensure non-discriminatory trading practices in these areas.
“As the Special 301 Report and the 2020 NTE make clear, too many countries are not abiding by their trade commitments. All Americans benefit when foreign governments eliminate unfair trade barriers,” Pomper said. “The Alliance for Trade Enforcement looks forward to working with the Trump administration and Congress to dismantle the barriers highlighted in the NTE and Special 301 Reports. By enforcing trade agreements and holding foreign countries accountable, policymakers can ensure that America’s workers, innovators, and inventions are protected and valued abroad.”
About the Alliance for Trade Enforcement: The Alliance for Trade Enforcement is a coalition of trade associations and business groups that advocates for foreign governments to end unfair trade practices that harm U.S. innovative industries and supports U.S. policymakers in their efforts to hold our trading partners accountable.